Click on the + symbol below to see the complete description for each division at North Boulder Little League. To view our recommended division based on age and experience, click here.
The T-Ball division emphasizes fun and participation. It is not competitive, and the goal is to get kids hooked on the sport and to return the following season.
Kids ages ages 5-6 on August 31, 2025 (see the Little League Age Determination). All 5-year-old players and first-time players who are 6 years old should play tee ball. If your child played a season of tee ball already, the Single A (coach pitch) division may be more fun and appropriate than T-ball.
NBLL offers an OPT-IN all girls team option.
The purpose of an all-girls team is to provide a comfortable setting in which to learn a new activity that will put their grit and strength on display, in addition to having fun with their friends. These teams will play against the other co-ed teams and will not be treated any differently.
Please register via the normal process and email our T-Ball Vice President at vp-farm@nbll.com if your daughter would like to join an all-girls team.
We need at least six girls per team to make this happen, so please encourage your daughter’s friends to join her!
Practices: One-hour practices will be held on a weekday afternoon or evening. Practice times are set by coach availability and preference along with field availability. Practices will start in mid-to-late March and the season will end by Memorial Day weekend.
Games: 6 to 8 one-hour games will be played on Saturdays.
Centennial Middle School, North Boulder Park, and Iris Fields
We try to keep the number of players on a team low to make sure all players get a lot of action, but this requires a lot of parents willing to help coach!
Friend (up to 2 max!) and coach requests are accepted during the registration process (it is really difficult to make changes AFTER teams have been formed).
**Friend requests will take priority over coach requests and while every effort is made to satisfy all friend requests, we can’t guarantee everyone will be met.**
NBLL provides: soft baseballs as well as a team jersey and cap (player keeps both)
You provide: We are requesting that players have their own helmets and bats, in addition to shoes/cleats, pants, socks, and glove. We do not want costs to prevent kids from playing, so please email us at vp-farm@nbll.com if financial assistance would be helpful.
Please volunteer to be a Coach or Team Parent. You can mark your interest when registering your child. You do not need to have any baseball experience to coach a team, and your child will enjoy the game so much more if you are on the field with them. You can even Co-Coach with one or more parents to split the duties. We will provide guidance, and your “job” is simply to make sure they are having fun and being safe. Even if you can’t commit to coaching, please volunteer to help out at practices and games as an assistant coach when you are available—T-ball has been compared to herding cats, and your coaches will need plenty of herders!
For more information, please contact our T-Ball Vice President at vp-farm@nbll.com.
The Single A division emphasizes fun and participation. It is not competitive, and the goal is to get kids hooked on the sport and to return the following season.
Coaches pitch to players in Single A. If the player doesn’t make contact after a few pitches, the player will hit off of the tee. Everyone hits the ball every inning
Players ages 6-8 on August 31, 2025 (see the Little League Age Determination).
Most players at this level are 6-7 years old. Players who are 6 years old should have one year of experience in the tee ball division. 8 year-olds who have at least one year of experience at the Single A level and can comfortably catch and throw should register for the AA (machine pitch) division.
Players must live or attend school within the geographic boundaries defined for NBLL. For any player who does not reside within NBLL territory, but who attends a school within NBLL territory, a Little League School Enrollment Form must be completed prior to registration. For any questions concerning eligibility, please email the NBLL President at president@nbll.com or the NBLL Player Agent at playeragent@nbll.com.
NBLL offers an OPT-IN all girls team option.The purpose of the all-girls teams are to provide a more comfortable setting in which to learn a new activity that will put their grit and strength on display, in addition to having fun with their friends. These teams will play against the other co-ed teams and will not be treated any differently.
Please register via the normal process and email Thomas Click at vp-a@nbll.com if your daughter would like to join this team.
(We need at least six girls per team to make this happen so please encourage your daughter’s friends to join her!)
Practices: One-hour practices will be held on a weekday afternoon or evening. Practice times are set by coach availability and preference along with field availability. Practices will start in mid-to-late March and the season will end by Memorial Day weekend.
Games: 6 to 8 one-hour games will be played on Saturdays.
Centennial Middle School, North Boulder Park, and Iris Fields
Small team sizes to make sure that all players get a lot of action.
Friend (up to 2 max!) and coach requests are accepted during the registration process.
**Friend requests will take priority over coach requests and while every effort is made to satisfy all friend requests, we can’t guarantee every one will be met.**
NBLL provides: jersey & cap (player keeps both) and balls.
You provide: Players should have their own helmets and bats, in addition to shoes/cleats, pants, socks, and glove. We do not want costs to prevent kids from playing, so please email vp-a@nbll.com if financial assistance would be helpful.
Please volunteer to be a Manager, Coach, or Team Parent. You can mark your interest when registering your child. Even if you can’t commit to managing or coaching, please volunteer to help out at practices and games - the kids have more fun if we keep them all busy!
For more information, please contact our Vice President of Single-A at vp-a@nbll.com.
The AA league is a developmental division for children ages 8 – 9 (as of August 31, 2025) stressing fun, player participation, and skill building with a low level of competitiveness. AA players typically have at least 1-2 years of baseball experience and be able to comfortably throw and catch a baseball, although players new to baseball are always welcome in any division!
The AA division is for ages 8-9 as of August 31, 2025 (see the Little League Age Determination) and all players registered for this division must live or attend school within the geographic boundaries defined for NBLL. For any player who does not reside within NBLL territory, but who attends a school within NBLL territory, a Little League School Enrollment Form must be completed prior to registration. For any questions concerning eligibility, please email the NBLL President at president@nbll.com or the NBLL Player Agent at playeragent@nbll.com.
All 8 year old players should play AA. 9 year olds who have experience in AA and are ready to play player-pitch should register for AAA.
Team Construction
At the AA level, teams are formed by the VP of AA with the goal of creating balanced teams for the development and enjoyment of all players. Players in AA may request to play with one friend via the registration form. We will make every effort to fulfill mutual requests (i.e. Player A requests to play with Player B, and Player B requests Player A), however we cannot guarantee that each “non-mutual” request will be met. School data may also be used to help form teams, as well, so please ensure that your child’s school information is up to date in the NBLL database. Coach requests by players are normally not accepted at the AA level.
- NBLL will provide each player with a team jersey and cap as well as baseballs and catchers equipment for the players to use
- The players must provide cleats/shoes, pants, socks and belts, bats, batting helmets, and a baseball glove
- Please contact Brad Michalchuk at vp-aa@nbll.com should you need financial assistance for equipment mentioned above.
The 2023 AA season is anticipated to open the week of March 17, 2025 beginning with practices, followed by first games in early April, and concluding with final games the first week of June. Two practices and one game per week will be the norm at the beginning of the season, switching to one practice and two games midway through the season. We anticipate AA games will be played on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at North Boulder Park and Saturday mornings at Iris fields.
Questions about AA? Interested in volunteering your time as a manager or coach? Please contact our Vice President of AA at vp-aa@nbll.com.
The AAA Division is the more competitive Minor League division and is great preparation for playing in the Major and Intermediate Leagues in future seasons. Generally, AAA players have at least 2 years of organized baseball experience, although this is not a requirement.
Players in the AAA division are typically 9-11 years of age. 11 year old players should sign up for Majors and attend Majors assessments. 11 year olds who are not ready for Majors based on assessments will be assigned to an AAA team.
- Teams will play approximately 12-16 league games, as well as a post-season tournament.
- Games will be played Tuesday and Thursday evenings as well as occasional Saturday afternoons.
- Players should expect to be on the field 3-4 times per week for games and practices.
- NBLL will provide each player with a team jersey and cap.
- NBLL will provide baseballs and catchers equipment.
- Players must provide the balance of their uniforms (cleats, pants, socks, and belts), protective cups, bats, batting helmets, and baseball glove.
- If you are in need of financial assistance for these items, please contact vp-aaa@nbll.com.
Players in the AAA Division are eligible for selection to an All-Star Team that will participate in a tournaments at the District and potentially State level in July.
Any player registering for this division must live in or attend school within the geographic boundaries defined for NBLL. For more information on player eligibility and the NBLL geographic boundaries, click HERE.
Please contact the Vice President of AAA with any questions at vp-aaa@nbll.com
Team Construction
Teams are formed through a division draft. However all players will be assigned to a team (unless the league determines that there is a safety risk). NBLL views its AAA league as fundamentally a developmental league focused on skill development. As in all NBLL divisions, managers emphasize fundamentals, teamwork, player development and fun. In AAA, players pitch and walks are allowed, although a maximum-run-per-inning rule is in place to keep games moving and to help in developing pitchers. Scores are kept, outs are recorded, but no league standings are published on the NBLL website.
Volunteer managers and coaches are needed! Please consider sharing your time and enjoyment of baseball with NBLL players. Training is provided!
AAA Player Assessment
All players who register for AAA must attend a skills assessment on February 22. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that players are registered for the division that best matches their playing level and to assist in forming balanced teams within each division. There are no friend or coach requests.
Date: Saturday, February 22
Time: 3-5pm
Location: “Missile Factory” (McGuckin Hardware storage facility on Hwy 36 north of Boulder) 6859 N Foothills Hwy
The Majors division is a competitive baseball league for 10-12 year-olds. Majors coaches introduce more advanced baseball skills while still emphasizing the importance of teamwork, sportsmanship, and having fun.
Majors Division Details
- Teams will play approximately 12-16 league games as well as a post-season tournament.
- Majors games will be played every Monday and Wednesday evening as well as occasional Saturday afternoons.
- Players should expect to be on the field 3-4 times per week for games and practices.
- NBLL will provide each player with a team jersey and cap.
- NBLL will provide baseballs and catchers equipment.
- Players must provide the balance of their uniforms (cleats, pants, socks, and belts), protective cups, bats, batting helmets, and baseball glove.
Appropriate Age for Majors
Players in the Majors division are typically 11-12 years old. Some 11 year-olds with no baseball experience may have more fun in the AAA division, but all 12 year-olds must play Majors. See the Little League Age determination HERE, but the age of your child on August 31, 2025 is their “Little League Age.”
All 10 year-olds should register for the AAA division, but some talented 10 year-olds with significant baseball experience may be appropriate for Majors. If they would like to be considered for Majors, please reach out to the VP of Majors to express interest. These players can attend the Majors Player Assessment for consideration (see below for details).
Registration Details
At this point, based on the number of players last season and our access to fields in Boulder, we are setting a registration limit of 72 to make 6 teams of 12 players. Any players registered after 72 will be added to a wait list, and we will consider adding teams if we can make the logistics work. Please encourage friends to register early!
Any player registering for this division must live in or attend school within the geographic boundaries defined for North Boulder Little League. For more information on player eligibility and the NBLL geographic boundaries, click HERE.
Players in the Majors Division are eligible for selection to an All-Star Team that will participate in a tournaments at the District and potentially State level in July.
Majors Player Assessment
All players who register for Majors must attend a skills assessment on Saturday, February 24. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that players are registered for the division that best matches their playing level and to assist in forming balanced teams within each division. There are no friend or coach requests. Teams will be formed and announced by Sunday, March 3. All 12 year-olds will be drafted onto Majors teams, and any 11 year-olds not selected to a Majors team will be placed on AAA teams.
- Date: Saturday, February 22
- Time: 1pm
- Location: “Missile Factory” (McGuckin Hardware storage facility on Hwy 36 north of Boulder), 6859 N Foothills Hwy. View map
Please contact the Vice President of Majors with any questions at vp-majors@nbll.com.
The 14U/Junior division is a competitive division for 13-14 year olds (see the Little League Age Determination HERE). The distance to the mound is 60 1/2 feet (up from 46') and the bases are 90 feet (up from 60'). Junior division play is typical of what you see at the professional level with leading off, stealing, pick-offs, and balks.
14U/Junior Division Details
- Practices will start in early March and games will start in mid April. Season will end by mid-late June.
- Expect two practices lasting 90 minutes each from March until games start in mid April.
- Once games start, expect 2 games a week and 1-2 practices a week.
- Games will be one hour 45 minutes long.
- Expect 12-14 regular season games.
- All Junior practices and home games will be played at Tom Watson fields.
- Away games will be played in nearby cities (North Denver, Westminster, Northglenn, south Thornton, Erie, Golden, and Superior).
Registration Details
- All players will register for North Boulder Little League 14U/Juniors
- Depending on how many players register, we will either hold an assessment in February for team placement or all players will be on the same team
- If necessary, we may co-charter with South Boulder to create a full team
- ALL players that register will be assigned to a team
Additional Details
- Score and outs are kept and the goal is 2 umpires per game (although at times only 1 may be available).
- Pitch counts will be STRICTLY counted and enforced to protect players' arms.
- No Team Manager (Head Coach) or teammate requests will be allowed or honored, except siblings.
- Teams are formed to ensure Team Balance so these requests cannot be honored at this division.
Uniform and Equipment
- NBLL will provide each player with a team jersey and cap.
- NBLL will provide baseballs and catchers equipment.
- Players must provide the balance of their uniforms (cleats, pants, socks, and belts), protective cups, bats, batting helmets, and baseball glove.
Any player registering for this division must live or attend school within the geographic boundaries defined for NBLL. For more information on player eligibility and the NBLL geographic boundaries, click HERE.
Please contact us at info@nbll.com if you have further questions.
The Challenger Division is a separate division of Little League baseball for boys and girls with physical and developmental challenges, ages 5-18. Participants are paired with non-disabled peers as buddies to learn and enjoy the game of baseball. This division meets once per week for 6 weeks. Please contact the NBLL Challenger Coordinator at challenger@nbll.com if you have further questions.
There is no registration fee for the Challenger program, and there are no tryouts or assessments for Challenger participants.